Why do you get fat? meticore supplement lose weight in a healthy way

 Why do you get fat? meticore supplement lose weight in a healthy way

Why do you get fat?

meticore ingredients


Before you lose weight in a healthy way, know why you get fat. Simply put, the cause is that the amount of energy intake (the amount of food) is greater than the amount of energy consumed (the amount of exercise). "Intake energy" is the energy taken into the body by eating. "Energy consumption" is the energy used for life support, daily activities, and exercise. If the energy intake is less than the energy consumption, everyone should lose weight. So why do you get obese? It has many factors in the change of living environment. In the diet, food is available 24 hours a day, and in the living environment, walking opportunities are reduced and the amount of exercise is reduced. Unknowingly, the balance between intake and consumption has been lost. To get rid of obesity, review your daily life, find the cause of obesity, and develop a "correct lifestyle" to eliminate it. FOR MORE POST

Not aimed at losing weight numbers

Is it healthy to lose weight? The standard of obesity is not "weight or weight" but "percentage of fat in the body" = "body fat percentage". Medically, obesity is defined as "a condition in which adipose tissue accounts for an abnormally increased proportion of the constituents of the body, rather than simply overweight." Even if the weight is the same, the body fat percentage of a person who trains in sports and has a lot of muscles and a person who does not have the same weight cannot be the same. If it is the muscles and bones that weigh heavily, the person is not considered obese. For this reason, the value of body fat percentage is important.

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